Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Kick it Out - Raise Your Game Conference

If you want to find out about football?

If you want to be involved in football?

Kick it Out - Raise your Game is a conference you really need to go to.

Troy Townsend heads up 'Kick it Out'. Troy is one of the nicest Guy's I have ever met. The effort that him and his team put in to Kick it Out the organisation, along with all the subsidiary events that they get involved in, is immense. They work to better the world of football, to unify everyone, whatever colour, whatever sexuality, whatever age.

The 'Raise Your Game' conference is an absolute 'game-changer'. Troy and his team organise this event at a major stadium. This year was Arsenal, but it's been at Wembley before as well. They arrange for mentors who are at the top of their trade to come to the event, personnel from;


They arrange for relevant personnel to hold briefing sessions. People such as Guy Mowbray, who spoke about the world of commentating.

They hold mentoring sessions (kind of speed dating). Troys team take time to go through your requirements, hopes and dreams. They then arrange 15 minute one to one;s with the mentors in the field that you want to be in.

The contacts that I have made at this event have been second to none. Some have already helped me over the last year, others have become friends and associate's who are now asking me to be involved in activities.

Last week two people who I met for the first time 2 years ago asked me to be involved in exciting projects (which I will tell you about in the near future). This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't got involved in Kick it Out.


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