Two years ago I was asked to be the Referee for an event called 'Soccerex'. I hadn't heard of it before, but because it was in Manchester, I jumped at the chance to do it. Along I went to the Etihad Stadium to find my contact.
When I got there this whole mini stadium had been built next to the main stadium, and alongside this was a VIP marqee, TV camera's, a stage with bands playing, a good size seated stand and other smaller stalls. I walked up to some security guys guarding what was obviously the players and VIP entrance. I said I was the referee and was taken to be introduced to the Soccerex Directors.
To say I was shocked was an understatement. I thought I was refereeing a tournament!!!! I guess that is what I was doing, but just on another level.The teams were made up of ex-premiership players and managed by ex-international Managers.
I was taken through to the VIP tent, and given my kit. The whole event was amazing. The days football was great. Alongside the premiership games there were disability games and childrens games which I also refereed. The VIP tent had a constant array of celebrities visiting, and was always well stocked with food, drink and goodies - I was on cloud 9 all day. I was interviewed for various UK and International TV stations, as well as sports journals. My Mum and Grandad joined me over the weekend, and really enjoyed both the football and the VIP area.
The whole weekend is free for the public to attend, it is a fantastic way to see some of your favorite ex-premiership players in action. It's also a great platform for watching other types of football of every ilk whether the limbless, deaf, blind or youngsters showing their skills. There are also plenty of action packed stalls to get involved with such as kick-ups or table tennis football.
Once the weekend is over, Soccerex becomes big business. Soccerex moves across to one of Manchester biggest exhibition centres. As someone said to me 'you're not in the business of football unless you are in Soccerx'. I was in awe of the number of stands, but not just stands, limousine's, executive travel, world class Tailors, private Social Media, PR agencies, financial institutions to name but a few. Top of their game players were walking around without anyone blinking an eye.
The presentations that were plentiful over the three days were incredible, with persons I have only seen on TV, with information so important to anyone in the football industry. Again the refreshments were plentiful and the Networking unrivaled. Having been the referee it put me in an amazing position where people approached me to talk and find out about my involvement - even Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein asked me for a selfie!!!!!
The contacts I met and have kept in touch with are vastly important in my career. The events that came from this event have been amazing and everything I learnt was just WOW - I;m almost speechless!!!!
To top this (as if you could), there were social events put on for both the Monday and Tuesday evening for the Soccerex community. Put together by the company who created the opening ceremony for the Olympics!!!! so they were pretty darn good.
Soccerex is a worldwide organisation with events in all the corners of the world. The main event moves every few years, so the event will move from the UK after this year. If you do anything at all this year, get yourself over to Manchester 24-25 Sep for the public event, or if you have a spare couple of grand, go to the convention 26-28 Sep.
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