Sunday, 19 February 2017

Women in Football - Mentoring

Well, I've spoken about my affiliation with the 'Women in Football' before. It's a fantastic organisation, and an absolute must for any female's wishing to enter the world of football - on any level.

We were hosted by 'The Premier League', in their wonderful office just off 'Marble Arch'. The street a plush line of Georgian white washed buildings, with a couple of 5 star hotels thrown in for good measure. After smiling nicely at the camera on the front door, we entered a very modern building with iconic images and memorabilia on the wall. After signing in we were taken to a lobby area downstairs to await our meeting. A very nice greeting of aperitifs allowed us to to meet and greet others attending and have a chat before the event started.

We were then ushered into the presentation suite where Shelley opened the event and introduced the speakers. This evening was all about mentors / mentoring. Women in Football are so progressive in their thinking, and as an organisation are prepared to 'give it go', give things a chance and go outside the box. They introduced a trial mentoring scheme last year - for fifteen personnel from different areas within football;

The Mentee's were at various stages within their chosen career, ranging from top coaches, to management within a premiership club. The Mentors however were all from outside football, and in top tier companies such as Deloitte. Initially I thought wow, how is that going to work - however, listening to the ladies that were on the trial, and the people who providing the mentoring, it absolutely worked. The mentors had no pre-concieved idea's about either football, or women in football. The mentors had nothing to do with football, so treated the women as though a business in their own right;

  • How were they going to progress
  • What were their skills
  • What made them different
  • What was currently holding them back
All the women found the scheme a success, some had progressed within their area, others had changed their outlook, their styles their confidence. one had realised that she was in the wrong area and had changed her job role completely. Everyone of them was so happy with their involvement, and in fact every Mentor had also benefited immensely and was looking forward to mentoring again. 

I am going to apply for the scheme this year. The possibility of a top company executive, with so much expertise and knowledge allowing me to meet with them on a 'one to one' basis, to advise me and help me progress - No Brainer!!!! 

I want to be successful, but know that I need to have advise to help me through the mine-field of progression. I am a total advocate of 'Women in FOOTBALL', and would advise others to have a look at the organisation.

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