Thursday, 23 March 2017

Premier of - REF: Stories from the Weekend

Well, my first Premier of a film!!!!!

I was invited to attend the Premier of the BT Sport Film - Ref: Stories from the Weekend. We were invited to BT Tower in London last Monday evening. I was excited but nervous. I'm the youngest referee in the film, and I was so unsure as to whether I wanted to watch myself on the screen. When we got there we went through an airport style security to be then greeted by a waiter with drinks, who then took us to meet the other guests. It's the first time that we had all met, so we started chatting very quickly about our feelings.

Tom (Watts) came over to me with some media reporters. He introduced them and left me to answer questions. I was talking with different reporters for around 30 minutes, being asked about;

  • How I got in to Refereeing
  • How am I treated by footballers
  • What are my aspirations 
  • Did I play football
  • What do boyfriends think 
  • etc etc
We were then asked to go into the Cinema to be seated. Me and Mum sat at the back in very comfy seating, nervously giggling. Tom and Guy opened up procedings and thanked everyone for their involvement. And the show began;

I was really impressed, it's a great watch. If you are a football fan in any way, it will be a well spent hour. The film covers all aspects, the Referee's are varied; 

  • Aged from 19 to 70
  • Across the UK
  • From new Referee's to Premiership Referee's
  • Females and Males
  • Covering a vareity of experiences with the game
  • It's even got the comedy factor
After the film we were all called to the front to have a question and answer session with the audience. No one knew what was going to be asked, but once we got going you couldn't stop us. It was fun to be so involved in the project. 

We were then taken to the top of the BT Tower, to the function area; a circular revolving room with floor to ceiling windows - Incredible. As soon as we walked out of the lift, to be handed a glass of champagne, the view that greeted us was breath-taking. We were up there for aroud an hour talking with so many people from all walks of football refereeing. 

It was a wonderful evening - I'm so blessed to have been involved, 

The film is on 04 April at 10.30pm - BT Sport 1

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